The participant, by signing below acknowledges this program involves some risk and he/she assumes responsibility for his/her actions and for injury that may result from participation, and also waives and releases all other participants, the land owners, Nevin's Hunting Friends(NHF), sponsors, instructors, and/or all other parties involved in the event from all claims and/or damage/injuries incurred in connection with this event.
In addition, participant grants Nevin's Hunting Friends, the sponsors, co-sponsors, and participating videographer(s) the unconditional right to use the name, voice and photographic likeness of the person listed above, in regards to any of the publication and audio/video.
Also Nevin’s Hunting Friend board of directors, volunteers, mentors, sponsors, instructors, and or all other parties involved in any event are not held liable in any manor of the risk of being around, near any person that has been exposed to any flu virus, and covid 19 virus, or any other airborne virus.
* Participants/guest(s)/guardian(s) also acknowledge that the possession, use and/or ingestion of any alcohol and/or illegal substances immediately prior to and/or during Nevin's Hunting Friends activities will result in the immediate removal and disqualification of all individual(s) from Nevin's Hunting Friends activities.
By signing below, you are acknowledging the following information:
a. I have read and understand and accept all terms and conditions in the Nevin's Hunting Friends Application: and
b. I have read, understand and accept all terms contained in the Nevin’s Hunting Friends cover letter and accompanying this application.