Our Story In May of 2014, a 8 year old boy, (Nevin who has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) was at a spring turkey hunt for kids. There was approximately 25 kids in the hunt and after the hunt was over for the day, there was a luncheon. After lunch, all the kids were outside playing except for a small hand full of special need kids. The kids kept playing while the special needs children watched.
On the way home from hunt, Nevin came up with the idea to start a youth hunting group for special need kids. Nevin said "It will be for the kids with special needs, that can't get into the woods and hunt, I know they have trouble hunting sometimes. Let's take them in the woods and give them a hunt of a lifetime dad."
So in the fall of 2015, with the inspiration of a young lady, with a larger than life heart herself, Nevin called his group Nevin's Hunting Friend
Nevin's request after leaving the turkey hunt was to help those kids that sat with him at the luncheon. The mission is to help those kids that have trouble getting into the woods due to their illness,and give them a hunt of a lifetime.
Anything to help that child forget about their illness, not be in pain or any struggle they have at that time. To put a smile on their face and make them happy, even though it's for a short period of time.